Become an OCADSV Member Program
Thank you for your interest in supporting the Coalition!
Each membership category has different benefits, requirements and dues, as outlined below:
• Oregon’s Charitable Tax Check-off Funds
• Eligibility to serve on the OCADSV Board of Directors as a *Regional Representative
• Reduced fees/scholarships for the OCADSV Annual Conference
• Reduced fees and/or free attendance for OCADSV Trainings
• Technical Assistance/Program Support
• Access to OCADSV Resources & Library
• Share employment opportunities on the OCADSV website
• Share your trainings, workshops, and events to monthly digest
• Voting privileges in OCADSV ballots
• Voice represented in OCADSV’s public policy priorities
Applicant requirements
All Member Program applicants must be:
- a community-based advocacy program that has a primary focus of providing services to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and/or stalking
- Either a/an:
- advocacy program operating under the umbrella of a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization;
- standalone 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization; OR
- advocacy program operating under the umbrella of a Native American tribal government.
- Supportive of the mission of the Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence; and
- Confirmed by vote of the OCADSV Board of Directors.
Membership dues
Annual dues are determined by the size of the applying program’s annual budget.
- $0 – $100,000 = $350
- $101,000 – $300,000 = $500
- $301,000 – $500,000 = $650
- $501, 000 – $750,000 = $800
- $751,000 & above = $950
Current and prospective Member Programs are able to request a due waiver if paying is a challenge.
How to apply
Advocacy programs wishing to become Coalition members must complete a Member Program application, submit supporting documentation, and be reviewed and approved by the OCADSV Board of Directors.
To start the Member Program application process, email the Membership Application Form below to:
Keri Moran-Kuhn
Executive Director
(503) 230-1951 ext. 104
[email protected]