Upholding the rights and dignity of trans and gender-nonbinary people

Dear Coalition members, partners, and supporters: The Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, alongside numerous local and national partners, is saddened by the US Department of Health and Human Services’s (HHS) efforts to characterize sex and gender as unchanging, inherently biological, and wholly binary. This proposal disregards the lived experiences and civil rights of transgender and … Read more

A Popular Education approach to sexual violence prevention

By: Marsela Rojas-Salas, El Programa Hispano Católico – Project UNICA (fmr.) As an organization, Proyecto UNICA believes that prevention against sexual assault and anti-oppression work should begin at a young age to re-imagine a world without violence. However, often times the voices of youth of color become marginalized and misrepresented in the mainstream anti-violence movement. Proyecto … Read more

Public testimony in opposition to Oregon Ballot Measure 105

This statement was published in the November 6, 2018 Oregon Voters’ Pamphlet. The text is reformatted below for legibility. Argument in Opposition Preserving Oregon’s anti-racial profiling law is a matter of public safety, and it is essential for crime survivors’ protection, safety, and healing. That is why crime survivor advocates are voting No on Measure … Read more

Creating safer spaces for our Coalition community

Dear Coalition member programs, community partners, and supporters: As an organization, the Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence recognizes that oppression is a root cause of sexual and domestic violence. As such, actively engaging in anti-oppression work is vital to ending sexual and domestic violence. These principles are at the core of our organization’s mission … Read more

Announcing El Programa Hispano Católico, the coalition’s first Prevention Through Liberation grantee

The Oregon Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence, in collaboration with the Oregon Health Authority, is pleased to announce that El Programa Hispano Católico – Project UNICA has been selected as the first-ever recipient of Prevention Through Liberation grant funding, effective October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018! Prevention Through Liberation-funded programs will receive support … Read more

Moving forward from Charlottesville

The Oregon Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence is deeply saddened by the recent acts of violence perpetrated by white supremacists and their supporters in Charlottesville, Virginia. As an organization dedicated to ending violence and promoting social equity, we mourn the lives lost and injuries sustained while redoubling our efforts to support all survivors of … Read more

Safety and inclusion for all

The Oregon Coalition works to ensure that all survivors of domestic and sexual violence, regardless of citizenship or legal status, have access to safety and self-determination. Thus it concerns us to see an increase in anti-immigrant sentiment arising nationally and here in Oregon. Immigrants and refugees face a deepening climate of hostility and dehumanization; they … Read more

Centering the safety and dignity of transgender and nonbinary people

Dear member programs and community partners, Transgender people are experiencing increasingly high rates of scrutiny, harassment, and violence, particularly around access to public restrooms and other gender-specific spaces. As recent protests at Target stores (including stores in Oregon) have made clear, even a simple statement of support for trans people can incite backlash in this … Read more