The Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (OCADSV) is pleased to present this “Toolkit on Campus Intimate Partner Sexual Violence,” created in collaboration with domestic and sexual violence response programs and college/university campuses across Oregon, and with support from the Verizon Foundation. This toolkit speaks both to college and university campuses and to community-based advocacy programs – in customized sections – enhancing knowledge for successful collaboration. Informed by the White House recommendations, Title IX, and other relevant law and policy, it is intended to support effective campus/community partnership regarding student experiences of intimate partner sexual violence (IPSV). The toolkit aims to better equip campuses and programs to comply with applicable laws, promote safety and self-determination for students, and foster a campus climate free from sexual violence.
While campus sexual assault has recently experienced a significant and much-needed increase in attention and policy development, sexual violence that occurs specifically within intimate partner or dating relationships is often not recognized, poorly understood, and inadequately addressed. For these reasons, we have chosen to focus our efforts on this particular issue. We have prioritized consideration of rural communities and campuses, and schools that support higher percentages of students from marginalized groups (students of color, LGBTQ students, disabled students, immigrant and international students, students affected by poverty, older/returning students, etc.), in recognition of the barriers presented by lower funding, remote location, and the effects of oppression.
We are grateful to the Verizon Foundation for funding the creation of this toolkit, from stakeholder meetings around the state to printing and publicity to an instructional webinar to be available in recorded form on our website.
Schools and educational institutionals
Sexual assault prevalence of
Sexual assault services for survivors of
Title IX
Best / promising practices
Colleges and universities
Coordinated community response (CCR)
Domestic violence prevalence of
Domestic violence services for survivors of
Laws and regulations