Complaint and Grievance Process for Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault (DVSA) Programs

Domestic violence and sexual assault (DVSA) shelter and service programs are funded by the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) to help people in Oregon be safe, healthy and independent. Both DHS and these programs want the best for survivors of domestic and sexual violence. If you have a problem with one of these programs, please take these steps first:

  1. Talk or write to a staff person and/or director at the DVSA program.
    If that does not work, go to step 2.
  2. Talk or write to the DVSA program executive director.
    If that does not work, go to step 3.
  3. Talk or write to the DVSA program’s board of directors.

Unless the DVSA program is breaking the law or the funding contract that DHS has with the DVSA program, the decision of the board of directors is final.

For support, please feel free to get in touch with the Domestic & Sexual Violence Fund Coordinator (Ph: 503-945-6686 or email: [email protected]). DHS will problem solve with you, even if you decide to not file a formal complaint.

DHS can only act on contract violations. These may be problems with discrimination or safety. DHS cannot act on unsigned complaints or workplace problems.

You may make a formal complaint to the DHS-Domestic & Sexual Violence Fund Coordinator by filling out the attached complaint form in as much detail you want to or can.

After receiving the written complaint, the Fund Coordinator will follow up with the DVSA program about the complaint. The Coordinator will also notify DHS staff and the Oregon Department of Justice-Crime Victims’ Services Division (because they work with DHS to fund DVSA programs.)

Complaints that DHS cannot do anything about will be shredded. However, we will do our best to contact you to discuss your concerns. As soon as possible, the Fund Coordinator will tell you and the DVSA program, in writing, what they find out.

Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA)
Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS)
Oregon Department of Justice - Crime Victims Services Division (CVSD)
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
Author / Source

Oregon Department of Human Services

External Links

Download complaint form

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