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A hotline phone number that is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year by trained advocates who will talk to anyone in a domestic violence, sexual assault and/or stalking situation, offering support and access to resources as needed.

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Culturally-specific services are created BY AND FOR specific cultural communities with an emphasis on the voices and experiences of survivors of interpersonal violence.

Culturally-responsive services are those that are RESPECTFUL OF AND RELEVANT TO the beliefs, practices, culture and linguistic needs of diverse consumer/client populations and communities whose members identify as having particular cultural or linguistic affiliations by virtue of their place of birth, ancestry or ethnic origin, religion, preferred language, or language spoken at home.

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Temporary housing for individuals and families fleeing from an abusive situation. Generally located in a secure, confidential area, emergency shelters provide a safe space that can help facilitate the start of the healing process.

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Intended as a longer-term solution than emergency shelter, transitional housing programs provide survivors and their families with free or low-cost housing and services as an interim measure between temporary emergency shelter and acquiring stable long-term housing.

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Regularly-scheduled group meetings of advocates and survivors convened for the purposes of reducing feelings of isolation among survivors, dealing with the effects of abuse, and facilitating the overall healing process.

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Legal advocacy services help survivors understand the process of applying for restraining orders, discuss how various legal options might impact a survivor’s safety, connecting survivors to support groups and other services, and accompanying survivors to the courthouse in the event their restraining order application is contested. However, legal advocacy does not constitute legal advice!

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Consultation, legal advice and/or legal representation in court by a licensed attorney or other legal professional.

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Many victims of domestic abuse are forced into financial dependence and even debt by their abuser, as another way for the abuser to exert power, control and entrapment. To help survivors help themselves, economic empowerment services can include providing survivors with basic money management education, individual development savings accounts (IDAs) and other forms of economic justice.

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Several programs exist to provide monetary assistance to individuals and families escaping abuse.

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Any program that addresses the experiences of children and youth exposed to trauma, violence and abuse; often incorporates aspects of peer counseling, case management, play therapy, and a number of other practices. However, this is not considered day care.

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Structured therapy sessions with a licensed mental health practitioner versed in working compassionately with survivors of abuse.

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Multi-session educational initiatives, focused either on vulnerable populations or the larger community, to raise awareness about the issues of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking, with the goal of empowering survivors and increasing positive engagement of community members to reduce violence.

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