Joint letter on importance of services for undocumented survivors

Choya Adkison-Stevens, OCADSV Equity and Inclusion Coordinator On August 5th, a joint letter was issued by three United States Departments (Justice, Health and Human Services, and Housing and Urban Development) reminding all recipients of federal financial assistance that they “should not withhold certain services based on immigration status when the services are necessary to protect … Read more

What you need to know to partner with healthcare (including a new Oregon Resource Guide)

Help OCADSV support programs and advocates navigating healthcare partnerships by joining the Guide review committee!  We need your input. Sarah Keefe, OCADSV Health Systems Coordinator “A local public health clinic’s waiting room is packed every day.  Their staff have tight protocols to keep clinic flow moving and patients in and out the door, receiving care.  … Read more

Coalition staffer honored by Oregon Public Health Institute

We are proud that our own Health Systems Coordinator Sarah Keefe is the recipient of the 2016 Billi Odegaard Public Health Emerging Leader Genius Award. Oregon Public Health Institute (OPHI) is committed to recognizing and honoring outstanding Oregonians who work to improve the public’s health, in specific recognizing Oregon residents who: Have proven records in … Read more

Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2016

By proclamation of Governor Kate Brown (link is external), October 2016 is recognized throughout Oregon as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We encourage all Oregonians to learn more about this issue, familiarize yourself with the resources available in your community for survivors of domestic violence, and show your support for the fundamental human right of safe and … Read more

Thanks to DV/SA testimony: Intimate partner violence recognized as a social determinant of health in Oregon

Domestic and sexual violence intervention services (DV/SA) included in Oregon Health Authority’s request to the federal government for inclusion in service reimbursement for Coordinated Care Organizations under Medicaid Sarah Keefe, OCADSV Health Systems Coordinator Domestic violence is a core social determinant of health.  Center for Medicare & Medicaid Service’s (CMS) “better care, smarter spending, and … Read more

2015 Fatal DV Report now available

The Oregon Coalition’s 2015 domestic violence fatality report, which provides demographic information related to the victims and perpetrators of fatal domestic violence incidents, is now available on the Coalition website. Last year, Oregon lost 60 people, an increase from 45 deaths in 2014, 34 deaths in 2013, and 55 deaths in 2012. Lane and Multnomah … Read more

2016 DV Counts Census

The DV Counts Census Report tells the story of the amazing work that you do every day on behalf of survivors. The report highlights the need for more resources and funding. We use this report when talking to Congress about the need for federal legislation and funding and your state coalition uses this information with … Read more

Safety and inclusion for all

The Oregon Coalition works to ensure that all survivors of domestic and sexual violence, regardless of citizenship or legal status, have access to safety and self-determination. Thus it concerns us to see an increase in anti-immigrant sentiment arising nationally and here in Oregon. Immigrants and refugees face a deepening climate of hostility and dehumanization; they … Read more

Black Lives Matter

Dear friends, It is with fierce yet heavy hearts that we write today. We write out of necessity, in acknowledgement of pervasive systemic racial injustice that manifests in law enforcement routinely murdering Black people. We write to unequivocally affirm, #BlackLivesMatter. Just this week, at least two Black men have been killed by police, Anton Sterling in … Read more

Centering the safety and dignity of transgender and nonbinary people

Dear member programs and community partners, Transgender people are experiencing increasingly high rates of scrutiny, harassment, and violence, particularly around access to public restrooms and other gender-specific spaces. As recent protests at Target stores (including stores in Oregon) have made clear, even a simple statement of support for trans people can incite backlash in this … Read more