The DV Counts Census Report tells the story of the amazing work that you do every day on behalf of survivors. The report highlights the need for more resources and funding. We use this report when talking to Congress about the need for federal legislation and funding and your state coalition uses this information with your state legislators. Many programs have also used the report to in their fundraising and communication efforts. Please read last year’s report here:
Save the date: The NNEDV Domestic Violence Counts: National Census of Domestic Violence Services (Census) 2016 date has been scheduled for Wednesday, September 14, 2016!
What do I need to do BEFORE the survey day?
- Read the attached survey packet, accompanying instructions, and FAQs.
- Attend the webinar on August 18th (information below) or listen to the recording and slides that will be emailed if you have any questions or have never participated in the census
- Email [email protected] if you have any questions about the survey or submission*
- Identify which staff member will be responsible for collecting the information during the 24-hour period and who will enter the information online.
- Discuss how you will count the number of people served and the number of requests that your program was unable to meet.
- Ask your colleagues for answers to questions to which you may not know the answer.
*Please do not attempt to fill out the electronic survey until you are ready to submit your entire set of responses. Feel free to fill out the entire form on paper for easy and very fast entry into the electronic version. Partial or empty responses interfere with the data collection process.
Census Survey Webinar: Thursday, August 18th at 2pm EST (any interested local program or coalition attendees) – This webinar will explain details of the census survey, how to answer the questions, the electronic survey form, and highlight some frequently asked questions. You do NOT need to attend the webinar nor watch a recording of it to participate in the Census count. It is an informational overview for those who are unfamiliar with the Census or who are looking for additional guidance. The webinar will be fully recorded and emailed to the full census info list.
Webinar Link: